4 Services You Can DIY To Cut Costs This Summer
It’s summertime, and as we come upon the middle of the year, now is as good of a time as ever to do an inventory of your finances. Are you where you want to be with your monthly budget? If not, there could be a few services you pay for that you could do yourself to save money. Here are some ideas of DIY services that could help you get back on the right financial track for the rest of the year.
Cut the Cords
Cutting off cable services is a trend that is growing more and more popular every year. With subscription services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime (among many others), people are no longer required to pay hundreds a month just for television entertainment. According to various studies, by the end of 2017, around 22 million people decided to go without cable. If you still want your local channels, just invest about $30 in a good quality antenna, and you are good to go! Cutting out cable not only saves you hundreds each year, but as a bonus, it makes you intentional with your television watching. You are less likely to mindlessly surf channels and more likely to only go to your TV when you specifically want to watch something.
DIY Housekeeping
In today’s busy society, many people employ the services of others to keep up with their home. From lawn care services to house cleaning, they depend on these services to keep them sane after a long work week. If you have these services and money is tight, it might be time to let them go until you can get your finances in order. If time is the issue, sit down and make a house and lawn schedule that breaks up each task that needs to be done in smaller tasks over the week so you don’t feel so overwhelmed. Chances are once you get into the habit of doing it yourself, it won’t even bother you anymore.
Home Cooked is Best
Food is always a hard part of any budget. It seems these days that food costs just keep rising every time you go to the store. However, preparing and eating most all of your meals at home is often much cheaper than eating out a few times a week. Make a meal plan for every meal and snack (not just dinner) and only buy ingredients necessary to make them. Schedule your meals you want to eat out and try to keep them to a minimum per week. Make your coffee and your lunches at home and take them to work with you. Simple changes to your schedule such as these will save you more money than you can imagine if you stick with the plan.
Style At Home
Grooming expenses (especially for the ladies) can get very expensive very quickly. From hair and nails to brows and beards, keeping up with appearances is time consuming and can be costly. If you are struggling to stay on budget in those areas, consider doing some of the services yourself. The process of dyeing your hair at home has come a long way over the years and most of the time the results can rival any salon. Look up tutorials online on how to give yourself the perfect salon-worthy manicure, beard trim or eyebrow wax, and try to recreate it at home with supplies you already have. You might enjoy pampering yourself and you can save tons of money while you are at it.
So you see, there are many things you pay for that you can do yourself. It does require some planning, but you will find that you might even enjoy doing these services for yourself rather than pay someone else to do it for you.
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