Frugal and Easy Ways to Decorate for the Holidays
Everyone knows the holidays can be expensive between the gifts, decorations, food and travel. But decorating for Christmas doesn’t have to be super expensive. There are lots of ways to save a few bucks while still making your house festive.
Making your own decorations is not as hard as you might think. There are tons of tutorials and decoration ideas on Pinterest and YouTube. From making your own wreaths and ornaments to more elaborate outside decorations, you can pretty much find instructions for anything you could ever want in a decoration scheme.
Use the Dollar Store
Sometimes dollar stores can be great, and the holiday season is definitely one of those times. Dollar stores tend to carry many decoration items such as fake flowers, items to make wreaths, stockings, bows and other trinkets you can use in your DIY projects. With a little imagination and some of the online tutorials we mentioned earlier, you can transform your home into a holiday wonderland without breaking the bank.
Go Minimal
Sometimes the best way to save money is just not to go all out for the holidays. Less can be more in some situations, and if your wallet is hurting this holiday season, just stick to the basics. Put up a nice tree with your decorations from previous years and stick a wreath on the door. These decorations will still make your home feel festive, but they won’t overwhelm your senses or your wallet.
Realizing the holidays aren’t about the “stuff” is important. If you are under a budget or simply like being frugal, use this upcoming holiday season to focus on your family, friends and community rather than what all you have to buy to keep up with your neighbors. Use these simple tips to help you stay in the holiday spirit no matter how much money you have to spend.
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